
Generation Interconnection/ Retirement/ Replacement Studies
As part of our transmission engineering services, our team evaluates proposed interconnections to the system grid based on the governing ISO FERC-approved tariff. Our goal is to create a better understanding of resource adequacy and options, any impact that may be had on neighboring systems, and additional insights for interconnection and project planning.

Generator Interconnection/ Replacement Queue Management
The generator interconnection queue ensures valid interconnection requests are processed in the order received, meaning the system model used for lower-queued studies will include existing projects together with the results of higher-queued studies.

Transmission Planning and Analysis
Excel offers transmission planning analysis and design services over a wide range of study scenarios, from 69 kV and up. We provide analysis of facility equipment/operating practices for reliably meeting existing and future load needs. Our team performs identification of facilities necessary for new generators while meeting FERC generator interconnection requirements, in addition to fulfilling compliance requirements for NERC modeling and planning standards. Our transmission regulatory studies meet state resource planning statutes.

Curtailment and Congestion Analysis
Due to power system operational constraints, reliability requirements, and other technical limitations, a significant percentage of renewable generation resources is curtailed in real-time operations. Transmission congestion plays a key role among these constraints. Excel can analyze the problem of renewable curtailment due to transmission congestion and provide the insights you need to make informed decisions.

NERC-CIP-014 Compliance Studies
As part of the NERC-CIP-014 implementation process, every utility is required to identify its most mission-critical facilities. Excel can help model the different scenarios and provide analysis to provide the insights you need to make informed decisions.

NERC-TP-001 Compliance Studies
NERC-TP-001 requires the planning authority and transmission planner to demonstrate that their portions of the interconnected transmission system will allow the network to supply projected customer demands and projected firm transmission services at all demand levels. Excel can provide the system simulations and associated assessments needed to ensure reliable systems are developed that meet specified performance requirements with sufficient lead time, and continue to be modified or upgraded as necessary to meet present and future system needs.

Short Circuit Studies
We use CAPE or PSS/E to determine the short circuit values required for the circuit breaker for a given system change. CAPE short circuit study conditions can include open and fallen conductors, simultaneous faults, faults between voltage levels, and more.

Alternative Utility Solutions Analysis
Due to the decreasing costs of today’s renewable energy sources, utilities in the power grid have a wide variety of carbon-free alternatives to building new fossil fuel plants. This helps make the transition toward a decarbonized power grid simpler than ever before. Excel can help develop and analyze multiple alternatives for grid improvements. The costs and system improvements are quantified for each alternative to ensure you have the insights you need to make informed decisions.
Why Excel Engineering?
Excel is an experienced, dedicated partner that brings a detail-oriented and relationship-driven approach to every project to ensure it exceeds your goals. Here are just a few of the reasons to partner with us for your transmission engineering needs.
End-to-End Support
Project Planning & Cost Analysis
Hands-On Project Management
Services for Remodels, Expansions, & New Construction
Deep Technical Knowledge
One-on-One Partnership
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